Showing: 41 - 55 of 55 RESULTS

Rosemary infused oil

Now sit up straight, hands on desks and pay attention for what I am about to tell you is very important. This rosemary-infused oil is going to feature quite heavily in many up and coming and no doubt mouthwatering posts so it’s imperative you set aside the 10 minutes required to make it. Consider it homework.


Strolling through the orangery here at Yumblog Hall it became clear we were going to have a glut of oranges again this season. A bumper crop no doubt thanks to both the skill of old Mr Fothergill the head gardener, and the relentless sunshine and arid terroir of West Yorkshire. We decided to use some of this surplus to make …

Spicy roast parsnip soup

Stop right there ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Instead of going to the inconsiderable effort of making the dish below, why not pop on over to the Campbell’s website and follow one of their ‘sensational’ recipes for homemade soup. Or if you are feeling more adventurous and have a pound of  chicken slurry, a tin of their soup and …

Chocolatey syrupy cornflake cakes

The plan was to make these with yumblog junior as part of a constructive and educational day of middle class parent/toddler fun. Despite initial enthusiasm and impatient requests of ‘cam i make cakes now?’, once the ingredients were assembled and all sharp objects removed from easy reach, the sprog decided she had more important things to do and her time …

Chestnut stuffing

I know, it’s the middle of January so it’s unlikely any of you lot (dear readers) are going to want to digest anything referring back to Christmas, Christmas dinner or any of its associated trimmings. But trust me, in 344 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes and 55 seconds (at time of writing) you’ll be desperately thumbing through books, magazines and …

Surf & Oeuf

Smoked salmon scotch (quail) egg You can tell you’re at the Ocado end of the middle-class spectrum when your 2.5 year old asks for smoked salmon and quails eggs for breakfast. Soon she’ll be insisting on Jo Malone bum wipes. Anyway, if you manage to wrestle the ingredients away from your toddler why not make these lush smoked salmon scotch …

Vegetarian gravy

If you don’t have access to the rendered fatty juices which have oozed from the roasting flesh of a recently slaughtered animal, making a decent gravy can be quite a challenge. A vegetarian gravy requires time and attention to build up a sufficient depth of flavour, so I suggest you make this in advance and/or multiply the quantities and freeze …

Dave’s Mam’s killer fishcakes (with cheese sauce)

If any of you dodgy lot were to break into Yumblog Cottage, you would probably notice (apart from how bloody cold it is) that despite several shelf loads of cookbooks, there was virtually nothing ‘written’ by TV chefs. No matter how frantically you rummaged, you’d find no Jamie, Nigella, Gordon, Heston, Sophie, Ainsley, Gino, Levi, Hugh or god forbid Nigel. …

Chocolate Bavarois

Chocolate Bavarois

Yumblog Towers saw in the new year with a feast which started with a (very disappointing) trout mousse, followed by a spectacular post-modern deconstructed prawn vol-au-vent, and rounded off with this profoundly rich Simon Hopkinson chocolate and cream-based dessert. A belated Happy New Year to our reader(s).