Visitors to the renowned Bibliotheca Yumblog will notice in the recent additions cabinet a small but essential tome called ‘Ferment from scratch’ by Mark Diacono. This is number four in the ‘…from scratch’ series, the other three being Brew, Sourdough, and Chartuterie. Mr Diacono is also the author of a much-loved and oft-consulted cookbook here at Yumblog Villas called ‘Sour: …
Pickled ginger
I know a handsomely moustachioed Frenchman who once ate an entire tub of pickled ginger in a sushi restaurant in Berlin. Not something I’d recommend, especially with the recipe below, which is a lot hotter and gingerier than anything commercially available.
Sweet Pickled Watermelon Rind
Who’d have thought you could pickle and eat watermelon rind?
Delia’s Pickled Beetroot with Shallots
Delia prefers to bake rather than boil her beetroots and then pickle them in red wine vinegar rather than the more usual malt. This, she told me over a Cherry Bakewell, goes to make a milder more beetrooty pickle.
Pickled Onions
You may need some emotional support for this recipe as peeling 2kg of onions can be a long, tedious and tearful process. Not dissimilar to listening to an entire Coldplay album.