Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS

Chocolatey syrupy cornflake cakes

The plan was to make these with yumblog junior as part of a constructive and educational day of middle class parent/toddler fun. Despite initial enthusiasm and impatient requests of ‘cam i make cakes now?’, once the ingredients were assembled and all sharp objects removed from easy reach, the sprog decided she had more important things to do and her time …

Chocolate Bavarois

Chocolate Bavarois

Yumblog Towers saw in the new year with a feast which started with a (very disappointing) trout mousse, followed by a spectacular post-modern deconstructed prawn vol-au-vent, and rounded off with this profoundly rich Simon Hopkinson chocolate and cream-based dessert. A belated Happy New Year to our reader(s).