(WW2) Chocolate Oatcakes

(WW2) Chocolate Oatcakes

The study topic for Yumblog Junior this term is The Great Patriotic War (aka WW2) and one of her assignments was to prepare and cook something authentic circa homefront 1939–1945. Eschewing the Mock Fish Cakes, Potato Floddies and Reconstituted Egg on Toast, she opted for something which, at least at first glance, promised contemporary chocolatey sweetness.

As I said before, our expensive camera was stolen from under our seat on the Trans Siberian Railway, so this is a stock photo of an approximation of a resemblance of a likeness of a Chocolate Oatcake.

Preparation time: 5–10 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Skill level: So easy a child did make it
Makes: About a baker’s dozen


  • butter/margarine – 50g
  • sugar – 50g
  • self-raising flour – 225g (if you’re using plain flour add 2tsp baking powder)
  • rolled oats – 95g
  • cocoa powder – 45g
  • salt – pinch

(WW2) Chocolate Oatcakes

Rub the butter/margarine into the flour until it is at breadcrumb consistency.

Add the oats, sugar, cocoa powder and a pinch of salt.

(WW2) Chocolate Oatcakes

Mix well and add a little milk and water until it starts to hold together (remember this takes time so do it gradually not in big loads).

Roll the mixture into 2.5 cm balls and press down then prick with a fork.

(WW2) Chocolate Oatcakes

Bake in the oven at 190C/380F/gas mark 5 for around 15 minutes until golden brown.

Leave to cool on a rack and sprinkle with sugar to serve.


Verdict: Ok, we’ll be honest with you, to modern tastes these are NOT sweet. However, they do have a certain oaty cocoa powder worthiness about them which seems appropriate for these strange Covidy times and will appeal to parents who want to give their kiddiwinks a nourishing, tooth-friendly treat. It goes without saying that they are of course, also incredibly rich in nerve food!

Biscuit lovers in search of something a tad more indulgent could try these buttery Arnhem biscuits, or cat lovers wanting to treat their already spoilt moggy, these fishy Tuna delights.

Drink: These definitely need moisture to digest – tea, milk, squash or a hearty red are all recommended.

Entertainment: Yumblog Junior is working her way through the Doctor Who back catalogue. She is currently on her third (although technically the tenth) Doctor, David Tennant and is one episode away from the brilliantly spooky ‘Blink’.

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