As well as being very tasty, Soda Bread is also great when you need a loaf in a hurry or can’t be arsed with all that kneading and proving. Unfortunately on such occasions you’re unlikely to have soured cream (a major ingredient) and a desperate trip to your local urban Costcutter is guaranteed to prove fruitless. Luckily for you this recipe uses a mixture of Cream of Tartar and milk as a substitute. What do you mean you haven’t got Cream of Tartar in your cupboard?

Soda Bread

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Skill level: Easy


  • strong white flour – 1/2 lb (225g)
  • strong wholemeal flour – 1/2 lb (225g)
  • milk – 1/2 pint (250ml)
  • bicarbonate of soda – 1tsp
  • cream of tartar – 2tsp
  • salt – tsp

Pre-heat the oven to 220C (gas mark 7)

In a large bowl mix together the flours, bicarbonate of soda and salt.

Stir the cream of tartar into the milk and pour into the flour mixture.

Knead together to form a dough (add a little water if necessary).

Form the dough into a ball and place on a well oiled baking tray. Pat down a little to form a hemisphere and partially cut into quarters (to half the depth of the loaf).

Soda Bread

Place at the top of the oven and bake for 30 minutes.

Leave to cool.

Verdict: Tasty. If you happen to have soured cream then use 1/4 pint (125ml) mixed with an equal quantity of water, instead of the milk and cream of tartar.

Drink: K4e

Entertainment: I was in possession of a super-special number which would give me 10 free downloads from iTunes, so I went nostalgic and replaced a long lost copy of ‘Even Serpents Shine’ by The Only Ones. Good stuff.

Footnote: I have subsequently used soured cream and found it produced a more stodgy and cakey loaf. Think I prefer it without.

1 Comment

  1. sounds lovely just like my mother use to make, but buttermilk was used instead of milk & the cream of tartar, or soured cream

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