Potato and Asparagus Frittata

In an attempt to escape the hysterical media build up to ‘the wedding’, not to mention the event itself with its stupid street parties, stupid bunting, stupid flag waving and general unseemly national deference to our ‘betters’, we left the country and spent Easter in the relaxed sun-drenched (republic) of Berlin. Fortunately for us the Berliners were far too preoccupied with the arrival of the new season Spargel (white asparagus) to care about the royal conjugal pantomime taking place in the UK. If they weren’t perusing the special Spargel menus displayed outside every bar and restaurant in town, they were buying the stuff by the kilo and taking it home for their own personal Spargelorgie.

In the unlikely event you come across a bunch of white asparagus in your local Spasda Superstore, don’t be tempted to give it a try as let us assure you it is an indifferent and woody subordinate to the familiar and far superior green variety (Grünspargel).

At the time of writing we are basking in the glory of the English asparagus season*, so in order to make the most of this short eight week period, we intend to eat it at every conceivable opportunity. This potato and asparagus frittata provided one such opportunity.

*More reason to celebrate than any stupid fucking royal wedding.

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 25-35 minutes
Skill level: easy
Serves: 2** – 4


  • potatoes – peeled and cut into 1cm cubes – 400g
  • 1 onion – finely sliced
  • 6 free range eggs – beaten
  • bunch of asparagus (woody ends snapped off) – cut into 3cm lengths – about 400g
  • parmigiano reggiano – grated – a generous 30g
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp
  • fresh parsley – finely chopped – 2 generous tbsp
  • s and p

Find yourself a 9″ skillet or non-stick, ovenproof frying pan.

Pour in the oil and place over a low heat.

Add the potatoes and onion and season well.

Cover with a lid and cook for about 15 minutes (stirring occasionally) until the potatoes are cooked through.

Preheat the grill to high.

Add the asparagus to the potatoes, cover again and cook for about five more minutes until the asparagus is cooked but still has a slight crunch.

Taste and season again if necessary.

Season the beaten eggs and pour into the frying pan. Chuck in the pasrley too.

Cook for a further 5 minutes.

Scatter with the parmigiano reggiano and place under the grill for 3–4 minutes, until set and golden.

Potato and Asparagus Frittata

Turn out onto a serving plate and sprinkle with a little more parmigiano reggiano.

Serve warm or cold with a hearty salad and good crusty bread (and possibly more asparagus).

Yumblog Junior settles in nicely to Berlin café society
Yumblog Junior settles in nicely to Berlin café society

Verdict: Deeeeeeeeelicious. A tasty, substantial and easy midweek meal. Couldn’t recommend it highly enough. **We had plenty left over for a packed lunch the following day.

Drink: Our only day of temperance this week.

Entertainment: An episode from the 4th(?) series of ‘Homicide: Life on the Street’. The one featuring an evil Frodo Baggins.


  1. Yes 8 weeks, bit like an Asparagfest. I may have to have to break from the usual asparagus ris and do this dish instead.

  2. Just scoffed this and washed it down with a bottle of Weston’s Organic Cider. I had to halve everything for 1 and probably should have left some for tomorrow but sod it, I couldn’t resist eating it all.
    Music – shuffled, but notable was Bill Bryson’s “Notes From a Small Island”, the chapter on Bradford and some Peggy Lee. Cheers

  3. Hi Tony
    Pleased you enjoyed – it’s just as good cold, so make plenty for leftovers next time.
    Have you tried Westons Old Rosie Scrumpy?

  4. Yes I’ve had it from the barrel its good!

  5. Made this the other night and it was lovely. Definitely made my pee smell again though 🙁

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