Anchovy, Rocket & Lemon Linguine

Like every middle-class metropolitan professional couple we lead such busy lives these days. Monday night we attend our Tibetan singing bowl music workshop, Tuesday is Pranic Crystal Healing, Wednesday – practical Feng Shui, Thursday night is of course Aura Therapy night and Friday is ‘The Power of the Pyramids’ – term 2. The weekends we usually relax and divide our time between meditation and balancing our chakras. So it’s no surprise that occasionally we need a meal which is very quick to make … and this is one of those.

Anchovy, Rocket & Lemon Linguine

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Skill level: Easy


  • linguine – 200g
  • anchovies in olive oil – tin
  • rocket – good handful – chopped
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • garlic – 3 cloves – finely chopped
  • olive oil
  • s & p

Plunge the linguine into plenty of boiling salted water and cook until al dente.

Meanwhile fry the garlic in a generous amount of olive oil for a couple of minutes, add the anchovies (including oil) and continue to cook until they have dissolved. Add the lemon juice, season and keep on a low heat.

Drain the pasta, chuck in the rocket, pour over the sauce, mix and serve with a hearty salad.

Verdict: A perfect, quick mid-week dinner.

Drink: h2o

Entertainment: A new series of the excellent ‘Masterchief’ started tonight. John Torode and Gregg Wallace shout and devour their way through meals created by six hopeful and wanabe chefs. A floppy-permed posh barrister narrowly beat a red faced 12 year old pixie boy.

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