Here is a recipe for toothsome* yuletide tipple which if you start now will be ready to sip on 28th December. Technically still Christmas.

WARNING: This posting has not been edited by my educated co-blogger and so may contain all sorts of grammaticle erors.

*We hope

Preparation time: 10 minutes plus at least 2 months waiting time
Cooking time: none
Makes: 750ml
Skill level: easy


  • Hawthorn berries – 500g
  • sugar – 250g
  • a cheep bottle of vodka with an implausible Russian name such as Vladivos – 750ml

First pick your Hawthorn berries.

As with the sloe gin, wash, freeze and defrost your berries.

Place in a suitably sized and sterilized Kilner jar.

Pour over the sugar and Vladivos.

Seal and shake.

Store in a cool dry place for 2 months – shake from time to time.

Strain through muslin and store in a sterilized bottle.

Hawthorn Liqueur

Serve either straight or mixed with soda water.

Verdict: Never had this before so we’ll tell you in two months time.

Drink: Again, we’ll have to wait a while before we know whether this is drinkable or tastes like Hai Karate.

Entertainment: Endless fun with Stickle Bricks

Yumblog Junior grows one for Movember

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